ianception: new york
new york
gastrogirl: jalapeño mozzarella sticks.
inothernews: Lightning strikes the World Trade Center in...
Lightning strikes the World Trade Center in Manhattan during a thunderstorm on Saturday, June 1, 2013. (Photo: Nick Carwile / Caters via The New York Daily News)
"when your little girl asks you if she's pretty your heart will drop like a wineglass on the hardwood..."
"when your little girlasks you if she's pretty
your heart will drop like a wineglass
on the hardwood floor
part of you will want to say
of course you are, don't ever question it
and the other part
the part that is clawing at
will want to grab her by her shoulders
look straight into the wells of
her eyes until they echo back to you
and say
you do not have to be if you don't want to
it is not your job
both will feel right
one will feel better
she will only understand the first
when she wants to cut her hair off
or wear her brother's clothes
you will feel the words in your
mouth like marbles
you do not have to be pretty if you don't want to
it is not your job"
- Caitlyn Siehl, it is not your job (via colporteur)
i never understoodwhat made your lips on my neck such an intimate affairuntil your teeth grazed my...
i never understood
what made your lips on my neck
such an intimate affair
until your teeth grazed my pulse
and i realized
you could tear open my throat
and make me bleed out in your arms
but instead
you chose to kiss
shitrodsays: kingjaffejoffer: whatthefro: marfmellow: andjesu...
An ABC6 crew was on assignment in Providence when they were assaulted in broad daylight. It started with a simple question that led to a violent response. The crew was on Public Street in Providence, attempting to get reaction from the mother of the teenage girl who was shot at a graduation party over the weekend.
Instead of declining to speak on-camera, Melissa Lawrence replied "OK, that's good," and then suddenly hurled a rock at ABC6 photographer Marc Jackson. The rock just missed the photographer's head. The crew then started to leave, but Lawrence came out wielding a baseball bat. She then told her two dogs to attack.sdajkshdjkasdhaskjdhkasjdhkasjdhasjkdhaksjdhkasjfhkjgfsjkgfasdhasdjasvdjusdvfabalsmd; sjfksdnjif ASDJFNJASDHAUISDIUASVASIVSGBSDK;FLAN;SAD;LAMS;DKNASKL;DNAFPAINFIPN
ha! That's what you get for trying to exploit people's bad situations. I'm not even going to look at the youtube comments because I know they're going to put the nosy, annoying white reporter as the poor, attacked hero and make some comments about how aggressive and ghetto black women are.
I applaud this woman.
I'm peeping this persons body language and you can tell it was NEVER an interview. You SET UP an interview - you don't just come to someones house when you want and question them about the news of their CHILDS MURDERER turning himself in. This is some entitled ass white people shit y'all, to think you can be in front of someones fucking house and be REPEATEDLY ASKED TO LEAVE and DO NOT LEAVE and then FEIGN VICTIMIZATION AFTER THE PERSON YOU WERE VICTIMIZING IN THE FIRST PLACE NO LONGER TAKES YOUR ABUSE.
serves her right.
i wish i could sic my dog on someone. my dog would just go up to them, try to sniff their crotch and then lick them -___-LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
You came to the wrong hood motherfucker…
turecepcja: Turkey, Taksim, Geziparki, Occupygezi, Istanbul,...
Romaphrodite1: RT @SenSenAysun Revolution will not be televised it will be tweetedThe current situation in turkey #Tayipİstifa Jun 01, 2013, 23:58 UTC
BadUnderpants: RT @sciencewitch Tear gas shell in a shop display. Whos causing the destruction? #direngeziparkı #occupygezi (Vi… Jun 02, 2013, 06:03 UTC
TinaTilki: IMPROVISED PROTECTION: A man wore a makeshift gas-mask hours before riot police used tear gas #geziparkı #direnizmir+ Jun 02, 2013, 07:08 UTC
Damlitaa: Tilda gives support!Turkish police is killing people! Help us! #occupygezi #direngeziparki @britneyspears @SnoopDogg Jun 01, 2013, 23:25 UTC
Wanchope_Dickov: A breakout role for Twitter in the Taksim Square protests? Jun 01, 2013, 22:29 UTC
unbirthdaytea: People helping out street animals affected by tear gas. STOP POLICE VIOLENCE! #turkey #direngeziparki #occupygezi Jun 01, 2013, 23:54 UTC
shanicaptures: "Whosoever is delighted in solitude, is either a...
"Whosoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a God." - Aristotle
"Solitude is essentially the discovery and acceptance of our uniqueness."- Lawrence Freeman
How will anyone enjoy being around me if I first don't enjoy being around myself? I embrace and love my alone time because once I'm around people I can fully appreciate their company. People always talk about being scared of lonely or disliking their alone time. Why? I don't see anything wrong with it…maybe because I'm an only child. I don't know. I enjoy people's company don't get me wrong. But, when I'm alone I feel free to be me. I can do whatever I want or do nothing at all. Or have all the fun in the world by myself. It's easy. Try it!
fotojournalismus: World Environment Day 2013
A scavenger, surrounded by Greater Adjutant birds, collects plastic for recycling at a dump site in the northeastern Indian city of Guwahati on June 5. (Utpal Baruah/Reuters)
An Indian worker sorts defunct keyboards at Ash Recyclers, a government approved e-waste management firm in Bangalore on June 5. (Manjunath Kiran/AFP/Getty Images)
Buffaloes wade through polluted sewage water filled with water hyacinth in Allahabad, India on June 5. (Rajesh Kumar Singh/AP)
A cow walks through garbage landfills in an Indian slum in Mumbai on June 4, 2013. (Punit Paranjpe/AFP/Getty Images)
A man walks between heaps of plastic bottles at an industrial area on the outskirts of Jammu, India on June 5. (Channi Anand/AP)
Mongolian sheep and cattle graze at grasslands at the Hustai National Park in Mongolia on June 5. (Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images)
A boy sits in a wooden boat transporting him across a river to go to school in Jakarta on June 5. (Enny Nuraheni/Reuters)
Greater Adjutant storks stand at a garbage dump near Deepor Beel wildlife sanctuary on the outskirts of Gauhati, India on June 5. (Anupam Nath/AP)
Two-month-old orphaned baby elephant Ajabu is given a dust-bath in the red earth by a keeper in Nairobi on June 5. (Ben Curtis/AP)
Zahira Biwi, an Indian ragpicker smiles as she works in a garbage dump on the outskirts of Gauhati, India on June 5. (Anupam Nath/AP)
"The Black woman is the most unprotected, unloved woman on earth…she is the only flower on earth…that..."
"The Black woman is the most unprotected, unloved woman on earth…she is the only flower on earth…that grows unwatered."- Kola Boof, Egyptian-Sudanese-American novelist and poet (via chelebelleslair)
"do you think calling me "angry" is an insult. every time you call me "angry" i hear your voice..."
"do you thinkcalling me "angry"
is an insult.
every time you call me "angry"
i hear your voice salt with guilt
i laugh.
look how easy it is to reveal you."
- anger is a healthy and natural response to oppression, nayyirah waheed (via nayyirahwaheed)
homedesigning: LA Home Plush Living Room
"Art and love are the same thing: It's the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you."
"Art and love are the same thing: It's the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you."- Chuck Klosterman
futurejournalismproject: Apple Intends to Build New Spaceship...
Apple Intends to Build New Spaceship Campus in Cupertino
Apple intends to build its new futuristic campus (Apple Campus 2) in Cupertino, Calif.
According to Keyser Marston's economic impact report, the campus will be 2.8 million square feet, and the centerpiece will be an "iconic circular office building" that's four stories high and can accomodate up to 12,000 employees. The impact report suggests that the new campus will create significant fiscal benefits.
"With a 10 percent annual growth rate, 7,400 employees will be hired between June 2013 and the completion of Apple Campus 2 in 2016, resulting in a projected total employee count of 23,400."
And by the time the whole campus is built…
Via AllThingsD:
- The total number of Santa Clara County-wide jobs supported by Apple is expected to be about 41,100.
- The net annual fiscal surplus generated by Apple to Cupertino is predicted to exceed $11 million.
- Local public agencies will collect an additional $32 million of property tax revenue.
FJP: Why do we even need an economic impact report to defend Apple's plans to build a massive flying saucer/space station? It's not like Apple is powerful enough to take over or anything… ha. — Krissy
Image: One of Cupertino's renderings of Apple 2's campus.
An offering in a silo of teck leaves for protection of the rice...
An offering in a silo of teck leaves for protection of the rice harvest from insects. Hanwatchond, Gujarat, India.
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