"Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively."
"Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively."- Dalai Lama XIV (via psych-facts)
Kiki's Delivery Service Concept Art
Kiki's Delivery Service Concept Art
lauraschrute: 2000ish: 12 years later and I'm still waiting...
12 years later and I'm still waiting for this to be invented.
It's called McDonalds
gaysexpizza: breakinq: I'm lonely :( looking for a tumblr gf...
I'm lonely :( looking for a tumblr gf ♡ any takers?
wtf does that have to do with pancakes???
taylorchristian: Me when I'm sick
Me when I'm sick
tastefullyoffensive: Different Types of Sleepers...
Different Types of Sleepers [doghousediaries]
munchflower: When my daughter first showed signs of hating...
When my daughter first showed signs of hating herself, I got out photoshop. We went and found an image of her choosing, of a woman. I spent the next two hours showing her just how easy it was to alter this woman. I changed her hair, whitened her teeth, made her thinner. I erased her blemishes and even made her taller while my daughter sat there aghast. At the end of it she loudly said - " THAT'S NOT FAIR!"
I told her that damn near every image she saw of people in magazines, on television, etc, was altered like this, and that she should never compare herself to that, because even supermodels don't look like supermodels.
I wish I could do that for every child. I wish it was a mandatory class in school.
kane52630: Perchance to DreamBatman: The Animated Series BTAS...
Perchance to Dream
Batman: The Animated SeriesBTAS Gif Page -> [X]
cumberbitchsandwich: I'm taking that as 'both'
I'm taking that as 'both'
fartboatchronicles: Animal Crossing Jesse
Animal Crossing Jesse
blobeggs: today was the last day of school so i drew 1000 cats...
today was the last day of school so i drew 1000 cats on my algebra teachers whiteboard
close up:
elounorslife: luxurycruisinglarry: donnysoldier: whats next? one direction tampons? don't give...
whats next? one direction tampons?
don't give them any motherfucking ideas
"we can now fulfill all of your dreams - we can be inside you."
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